Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

How are the attitudes of Logan children different between the two bus incidents in Chapter 3? How does Mildred Taylor convey the changes in the children's attitude? Why have their feelings changed?

Support the answer with evidence from the novel.

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Initially, the children think their prank is a load of fun. When the night riders appear, however, it isn't quite the same.

I grabbed Stacey's arm. ‘Stacey, they're coming after us!'
'What !' squeaked Christopher-John.
'Hush,' Stacey said harshly. 'And Cassie, let go. That hurts.
'Stacey, somebody musta seen and told on us,' I persisted.
'No ...' Stacey replied unconvincingly. 'It couldn't be.'
'Couldn't be?' cried Christopher-John in a panic. 'Whaddaya mean it couldn't be!'
'Stacey,' said Little Man excitedly, 'whaddaya think they gonna do to us ! Burn us up?'


Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry