Rifles for Watie

I need awnsers please

What does Jeff do when he finds out that Lee Washbourne has been shot as a spy?

*Why does General Blunt want Jeff to act as a spy?

How does Jeff return the favor to Noah Babbitt for saving his life?

*What happens to Jeff when he visits Lucy for the third time?

When caught by rebel cavalry, what does Jeff's companion, Jim Bostick, say?

*Why is Jeff suspected of being a Yankee spy?

How does Jeff get to know the Jackman family? Where does he go with them?

*Who does Jeff trust to get his message to Fort Gibson?

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Last updated by michael d #995200
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What does Jeff do when he finds out that Lee Washbourne has been shot as a spy?

Jeff finds a way to return the body to the family.

Please submit each of your questions one at a time. Thanks!

*Why does General Blunt want Jeff to act as a spy?


Rifles for Watie