Riders to the Sea

No man at all can be living forever, and we must be satisfied.

explain the quote

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In context.... we must enjoy the lives we have and accept that the end of life is inevitable.


Riders to the Sea

This statement has been delivered by the main character Maurya at the end of this one-act play " Riders to the Sea." When Maurya receives Micheal's clothes from Cathleen and even knows about her son Bartley's death, she tries to console herself saying that no man at all can be living forever and we must be satisfied. All the male members of her family have died in different circumstances in the sea. There are no men left now in her family to earn bread. Despite her tragedies, she consoles herself saying that one day everyone will leave this planet. No man remains here on this planet forever. Death is the reality and we must accept the reality and be satisfied with it. We find her quite bold and undefeated. Being religious, she empties the cup of holy water and put it down inverted and keeps praying for all the men's departed soul. She is satisfied by thinking that the souls of all male members of her family must be together in peace in another world.

