Restoration Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is historical context significant in this text?

    Contemporary events are significant to the plot and symbolism of this text. The novel is set in London from 1660-1670, and the King of Britain is Charles II. The title refers to the fact that the novel is set during the Restoration period. During this time period occurred two significant historical events: The Great Plague and The Great Fire of London. Both events caused the deaths of many London civilians.

    The Great Plague can be seen as a metaphor for the corruption of English society at this point in history. This is something we see in the novel, where a greedy and corrupted King has ultimate power, using his wealth to further his own interests. The plague therefore might be used to symbolize a kind of disease that exists at the heart of society.

    The Great Fire of London is also significant, as it represents a turning point for the protagonist. When Robert sees people suffering and struggling to save their belongings from the fire, he helps them. This signals a shift in his personality, as before this point he did not seem affected by the plight of the poor.

  2. 2

    How does the text represent corruption?

    There are many examples of corruption in this text. Most importantly is the King’s corruption. He corrupts the purpose of marriage for his own benefit, destroying the sanctity of marriage. He uses the women around him for sexual gratification and does not allow them the opportunity to have a happy and fulfilling marriage. In the text, his power is largely used for selfish and harmful purposes.

    Due to the King’s ultimate authority, he is able to decide Robert’s fate. One minute he gives him a sprawling estate, and the next minute Robert is left with nothing. Here we see the dangers of one person having so much power, and then using this power based on personal whims and preferences.

    Robert is also a corrupted character in the text. He is obsessed with wealth and status and is depicted as being a hedonist. He uses Katherine and is cruel towards her, resulting in her becoming miserable. All of Robert’s misfortunes are caused by his own actions. This is significant, as it shows that corruption is not rewarded, and that it will lead to a person’s downfall.

    The dirty air of London, and the disease that is rampant throughout the city also symbolizes corruption.

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