Rameau's Nephew

Rameau's Nephew Analysis

Rameau’s Nephew is an imaginary dialogue between the characters Moi and Lui. The conversation is held at the Café de la Régence in Paris. Both parties come from different backgrounds and share different views on various topics. Lui was banished by his wealthy family because of his ideals which threatened the family’s wealth and ultimate survival. Lui believes that riches corrupt people’s judgment and his family is no exception. After abandoning his family, Lui has become a thief dedicated to stealing from the wealthy.

On the other hand, Moi comes from a poor background. His only desire is to accumulate wealth and start a family. Using different subjects discussed in the dialogue, the author, Denis Diderot, depicts the contradicting nature of two people born and raised in different conditions which ultimately nurture different traits and desires.

Moi and Lui first discuss geniuses and their impact on society. Moi believes that geniuses are crucial to civilization. According to him geniuses further discover revolutionary ideas which advance civilization. However, Lui prefers being an ordinary fool; he argues that geniuses dedicate their lives to their ideas which ultimately leads to their death. He would rather be a fool who is alive than a dead genius.

The author introduces various topics showcasing how different people view the world with dissimilar perspectives. Diderot concludes that people share different aspects of themselves when exposed to unfamiliar situations and cultures, we undergo personal transformation. The morphing involves taking an aspect of the other person’s life and giving yours away.

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