Push (Precious) Metaphors and Similes

Push (Precious) Metaphors and Similes

Vampire metaphor

Precious uses a metaphor to describe how her family is seen by society: "I know who they say I am- vampire sucking the system's blood."

Grease metaphor

Here, Precious describes a sense of shame and a sense of being undesirable, saying that she is like an "Ugly black grease to be wipe away."

Pull the plug metaphor

Here, Precious uses a metaphor to describe how she doesn't want to live anymore, but she also doesn't know how to end her life: "Sometimes I wish I was not alive. But I don't know how to die, ain' no plug to pull out."


Precious uses a metaphor to describe how it seems like nobody cares or takes notice of her situation: "My whole family, we more than dumb, we invisible."

The boat metaphor

Precious uses a metaphor to describe how writing could be her savior, and how it could help her escape the tragedies of her life:
"Writing could be the boat carry you to the other side."

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