Purple Hibiscus

Analyze the symbol of "aku" and explain how Adichie uses the ritual to express the theme/central idea of these pages.

pages 217-225

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. Aku, winged termites, swarm in the backyard. Neighboring children run outside to catch them so they can be fried as a snack. Shortly after Kambili and Jaja arrive in Nsukka, the aku – winged termites – begin to fly. Aunty Ifeoma jokes that although these insects are just matured versions of the termites considered to be pests, the neighborhood children go crazy for them. There is a sense of wonder and innocence in the aku. Chima is excited but Obiora merely goes outside to “observe.” When Amaka teases him, he announces that he has never been a child. Obiora has been initiated into manhood by both the Igbo ritual and the death of his father. Obiora’s coming of age has been accelerated by tragedy. The winged aku represent maturity and the freedom that it can inspire.