Prospero's Books Characters

Prospero's Books Character List


Prospero is the main character in the film, an old man who has immense magical powers. He was exiled to a distant island together with his daughter but Prospero never stopped believing he will one day get revenge on those who wronged him. Prospero is a powerful wizard capable of controlling the weather and as such he is described as someone who should be feared. Throughout the film, Prospero learns to give up his resentment and learn how to forgive.


Caliban is one of Prospero's servants during his time on the island. Caliban is portrayed as being half human and half monster. Caliban was the rightful master of the island until Prospero came and enslaved the powerful creature. From that point on, Caliban was used by Prospero multiple times in the film. One thing to note is that even though Caliban was a powerful creature, he always felt the need to have a master and to be ruled by someone much more powerful than him.


Alonso was the King of Naples who helped Prospero's brother to usurp him and to take the power for himself.


Gonzalo is one of the men who end up on the island after the shipwreck. Gonzalo is described as an old man who tries to make everyone get along. Still, because of his ties with the King of Naples, he is seen as an enemy by Prospero.


Miranda is Prosper's daughter who is also on the island. Miranda seems to be unaware of the power her father holds and is described as a rather innocent character who does not know what dangers exist around her. Miranda is clearly loved by her father who tries to protect her and always willing to help those around her. At the end of the film, Miranda gets married to Ferdinand.


Antonio is the name of Prospero's brother. Aided by the King of Naples, Antonio takes his brother's power and exiles him to a distant island.


Sebastian is presented in the film as being Alonso's brother. Sill, little to no information are given about him.


Ferdinand is one of the main characters, the son of the King of Naples. He and the men on his ship end up stranded on the island where Prospero and his daughter live and eventually falls in love with Miranda. Even though he is a prince, Ferdinand is willing to do everything just to prove his love for Miranda. At the end, Prospero allows the two to get married.


Adrian is a lord on the ship which ends up on the island where Prospero and his daughter live. He remains loyal to Ferdinand throughout the film.


Ariel is another power enslaved by Prospero. She is described as being spirit saved by Prospero and thus bound to him. Prospero used her powers to make the ship where Ferdinand is on to crash on the shores of his island.

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