
convert the weight in pounds Ibs to oz

Convert the weight in pounds Ibs to oz 3/1/4

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Last updated by Mohit S #1290510
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To convert 3 and 1/4 pounds to ounces, we can use the conversion factor that 1 pound is equal to 16 ounces.

First, we can convert the whole number part of 3 pounds to ounces:

3 pounds = 3 x 16 ounces = 48 ounces

Next, we can convert the fractional part of 1/4 pound to ounces. Since there are 4 quarters in a pound, we can divide 1 by 4 to get the fraction in terms of quarters:

1/4 pound = 1/4 x 16 ounces = 4 ounces

Combining the two parts, we get:

3 and 1/4 pounds = 48 + 4 = 52 ounces

Therefore, 3 and 1/4 pounds is equal to 52 ounces.