Prince Caspian Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Prince Caspian Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Faith as a Motif

Faith is a motif throughout the novel and throughout the entire series of Chronicles. Aslan is often testing the faith of those who believe in him and most of the times he appears to them it is a test of their faith. Lucy has the strongest faith and the strongest bond with Aslan and so he appears to her the most. She relays his instructions to the others and their agreement to follow them is dependent on the strength of their faith. Caspian has tremendous faith and never questions that in his hour of need Aslan will come to his aid however dangerous the situation. Throughout the book faith is the constant Motif.

Talking Beasts as a Symbol

Talking Beasts are a symbol of the existence and survival of Old Narnia. At Narnia's inception the animals were able to talk but it is believed in the current land of Narnia that this is just a legend that has been passed down the generations as an act of subversion. When Caspian meets talking beasts it is symbolic of the existence of the creatures of legend and a symbol that Old Narnia has endured.

Aslan as an Allegory

Aslan is an allegory of Jesus and the way in which he leads his "children" to safety and to the right path is the same as the way in which Jesus leads his followers to safety and salvation. The way in which Susan denies her faith is also allegorical of the way in which the disciples deny theirs by denying Jesus out of fear; Aslan tells Susan that she denied him because she gave into her fear. Throughout the novel Aslan is allegorical of Jesus and is the spiritual figure in wh they have faith.

Lion as a Symbol

When the Pevensies first arrived back in Narnia they are not immediately able to identify or recognize it until they see a lion's head carved into the stone of the ruins. The lion head is a symbol of Aslan and also of the Lion of God. Edmund also has the lion's head emblazoned on his shield which symbolizes the protection that Aslan provides him against evil.

Trees as a Motif

Trees are a motif throughout the novel. The Telmarine people are afraid of the woods primarily because this is where the ghosts of Old Narnia are said to exist. Trees are also benevolent for example in providing the children with the apples that are their only sustenance at the start of their journey. They are a Motif that represents Narnia; the apple tree was the tree from which Narnia grew, and the trees that are enchanted show Lucy that the magic of Old Narnia is still visible to those who believe. The trees to those who are in the side of food are a magical and beautiful part of Narnia but to the usurpers to the throne they are more threatening. Throughout the book trees show Old Narnia still exists.

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