Pride and Prejudice

identify the tone of Elizabeth's letter to Mrs. Gardiner. Explain whether this letter was more effective than dialogue would have been in conveying this information. How it reveals Elizabeth's voice

page 277 chapter 60

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In a letter to Mrs. Gardiner Elizabeth relates that Mr. Wickham's affections for her have subsided and have been transferred to another young lady, Miss King, who recently acquired 10,000 pounds. Elizabeth concludes that she must not have been in love with him, because her feelings are still cordial toward him. The tone is a little biting and chiding at Wickham's expense. I like the letter because Elizabeth has great wit and this comes across in her writing especially. When we read her letters, we think of Elizabeth. Let me know if you don't understand this!

Im talking about the letter at the end of the book when she responses back to Mrs. Gardiner.

Oh I see. The tone is quite happy. It's the "I'm so in love" happy that everything is great. Her tone lacks the biting sarcasm that she is so good at. It's still Elizabeth though, just a happier version of her,

"You supposed more than really existed. But now suppose as much as you choose; give a loose rein to your fancy, indulge your imagination in every possible flight which the subject will afford, and unless you believe me actually married, you cannot greatly err..."