Poe's Short Stories

As individuals age it is generally believed that most individuals become wiser. what accounts for this change? Discuss Montresor as related to this belief.

the cask of Amontillado

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Montressor may have become wiser, but he in no way seems to ever have taken responsibility murder and feels no regret. The account occurs some fifty years after the event, suggesting that a somewhat older Montresor was never discovered and has not greatly changed his opinion that the crime was justified. Montresor has shown himself to be risk averse, so his audience must be someone that he trusts, perhaps a confessor or a relative. Possibly he is at the end of his life, and now that he can no longer face any severe consequences, he has decided to tell his story. The ambiguity of the circumstances and Montresor's escaping of justice lend a sinister tone to his story, which is further backed by Poe's extensive use of irony.

