Poe's Poetry

The sonnet-To Science (argumentative poetry)

I've got 5 questions about this poem? :

1.What is the author's thesis? What does he want the reader to believe?

2.What are the arguments that the poet presents to defend his thesis?

3.What facts, citations, testimonies or concrete details does the author use to support the arguments?

4.Which is antithesis?

5.What is your opinion about the author's thesis? Argue your opinion with examples from poetry or from what you know.

p.s (please they are very important for me to know)

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Best Answer

1) To Science is a poet's lament over the dangers of scientific development and its negative implications for poetry and creativity.


• A poet cannot love or respect Science because it would rather study the stars than listen to his fancies.

• Because of Science, the old myths about nymphs and nature have lost their power, and poets can no longer dream easily.

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