Play With Repeats Literary Elements

Play With Repeats Literary Elements


Tragic play



Setting and Context

The action takes place inside a bar during the course of a single evening.

Narrator and Point of View

Because this is a play, there is no fixed narrator and point of view. Instead, every character recalls the events they were witnesses to from a subjective point of view through their dialogues.

Tone and Mood

The tone and mood is a neutral one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Tony and the antagonist is the rest of the world which does not allow him to grow and develop.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is an internal one and is the result of Tony's desire to achieve something in his life and his incapability to do it.


The play reaches its climax when the main character gives up on his dream.


The way in which Tony's friend is unsupportive of his dreams foreshadows his violent outburst which is described at the end of the play.




The main allusion we find in the play is the idea that following one's dreams does not lead to happiness.


The main imagery in the play appears at the end when Tony is described as sitting alone and looking in the distance without any sort of hope for the future. This image is important because it portrays Tony's true feelings and his state of mind.


A paradoxical element is the way in which Tony tries to find support in those people whom he knows will never agree with him.


We find a parallel between Tony and his best friend. Even though neither is successful, Tony is the one less willing to accept his lot in life while his friend accepted without a second thought the idea that he will never accomplish anything worth mentioning. Because of this, Tony is miserable while his friend is more adapted to living a happy life.


We have a personification in the line "the streets witnessed his despair".

Use of Dramatic Devices

The dramatic devices used in this play are the aside, dramatic monologue, and the fourth wall. All these devices are used to present the main characters and also to make public their inner thoughts and feelings.

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