Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

What experiences does Marjane have, and how does she interact with others around her in Vienna?

What experiences does Marjane have, and how does she interact with others around her in Vienna?

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"How does one manage to live in exile?" she asks rhetorically and answers herself. "To become integrated, one must forget entirely where one comes from. I had hard times— my parents had no more money to support me. My friends at the French lycée in Vienna were rich kids; I could not stand their expressions when I told them I was Iranian. Ah … Khomeiní, ah … the ayatollahs, the veil … I could read it in their faces. I even went as far as denying my nationality," Marjane admits. "For a while I said that I was French but I was young and stupid," she excuses herself with a self-deprecatory shrug. Today Marjane Satrapi is proudly Iranian—and she can also be proud for having written and drawn a series of comic strips that reveal more about contemporary Iran than many academic books.


Chris Kutschera, "Every Picture Tells a Story," in Middle East, April 2002, pp. 49-50.