Parallel Journeys Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What allusion does Ayer employ in “The Power and the Glory” to expound the origins of the animosity between the Germans and Frenchs?

    Historical Allusion: Ayer reports, “Rhineland Germans hated their French neighbours. French soldiers had occupied the Rhineland since Germany’s defeat in World War I in 1918.The agreement that ended the war, the Treaty of Versailles, imposed very harsh terms on Germany and its people. One of the rules of the treaty was that the Germans could not rebuild their army and navy. Without a strong military, the allies hoped to keep Germany from starting another war.” Alluding to the World War I provides a precise context for Parallel Journeys. Ayer outlines the macro and micro implications of the war which is characterized by the enmity between the French and Germans.

  2. 2

    Why are the Jews subjected to hatred? “Tightening the Noose”

    Ayer explicates, “Jews were accused of killing Christ. They were hated because some were successful in business and had become wealthy. They were blamed for many of the evils in the world when there was no one else to blame. Sometimes they were hated simply for having been born Jewish.” Here, flawed interpretation of the Bible, specifically the Jesus’ crucifixion contributes to the hatred towards the Jews. They are held liable for crucifying him. Moreover, the other non-Jews are envious of the success and they use the excuse of the Crucifixion to discriminate the Jews. Accordingly, the Jews are collectively regarded as scapegoats for evilness resulting in the widespread antisemitism.

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