One-Bedroom Solo Characters

One-Bedroom Solo Character List


The narrator is the only real character in the collection of poems, One-Bedroom Solo, and the personality of that character changes throughout the poem, but remains the same in certain peculiar ways. In "Poet in a Shade of Jade", the narrator is a envious person that wants to be just like a poet, and this envy is passed on to the poem "Submit", when we see the narrator wanting to do things they could never really do. Yet, perhaps with a bit of inferring on the reader's side, they can see that the author was putting an underlying theme of innocence into the narrator by portraying these actions after all.


Although not a physical, emotional character in the collection of poems, money has a voice. In "Poet in a Shade of Jade", money is the antagonistic force, leading the narrator to question her existence and want to completely change her life. In "Submit", you can also see hints of how money is so antagonistic, things controlled by it being listed mainly under "resist". The author was trying to use the force of the idea of money to portray her themes - money is a very powerful factor in the real world, and many of the poems in this collection are built on it.

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