Once Upon a Time

Which phrase best supports the idea that the wall will lead to a violent and inhumane result? (11-12.RL.1)

A, “And they took heed of the advice on a small board fixed to the wall: Consult DRAGON’S TEETH The People For Total Security” (Paragraph 16) A, , “And they took heed of the advice on a small board fixed to the wall: Consult DRAGON’S TEETH The People For Total Security” (Paragraph 16)

B. “There would be no way out, only a struggle getting bloodier and bloodier, a deeper and sharper hooking and tearing of flesh” (Paragraph 16)B. “There would be no way out, only a struggle getting bloodier and bloodier, a deeper and sharper hooking and tearing of flesh” (Paragraph 16)

C. “Next day a gang of workmen came and stretched the razor-bladed coils all round the walls of the house.” (Paragraph 17)C. “Next day a gang of workmen came and stretched the razor-bladed coils all round the walls of the house.” (Paragraph 17)

D. “The sunlight flashed and slashed, off the serrations, the cornice of razor thorns encircled the home, shining.” (Paragraph 17)

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B. “There would be no way out, only a struggle getting bloodier and bloodier, a deeper and sharper hooking and tearing of flesh” (Paragraph 16)


Once Upon a Time