Oliver Twist

Describe the actual trial of Jack Dawkins? Was Charley right in his imagined situation?

Chpater 43

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Charlie's imagined situation;

"‘So do I,’ cried Charley Bates. ‘Ha! ha! ha! so do I. I see it all afore me, upon my soul I do, Fagin. What a game! What a regular game! All the big-wigs trying to look solemn, and Jack Dawkins addressing of ‘em as intimate and comfortable as if he was the judge’s own son making a speech arter dinner—ha! ha! ha!’"

the actual trial;

"....the Dodger, with a show of being very particular with a view to proceedings to be had thereafter, desired the jailer to communicate ‘the names of them two files as was on the bench.’ Which so tickled the spectators, that they laughed almost as heartily as Master Bates could have done if he had heard the request."

Dodger also alluded to the law througout the trial, putting the prosecuter on notice that he wasn't a silly, little boy.


"‘Oh! you know me, do you?’ cried the Artful, making a note of the statement. ‘Wery good. That’s a case of deformation of character, any way.’"

"The two hastened back together, to bear to Mr. Fagin the animating news that the Dodger was doing full justice to his bringing-up, and establishing for himself a glorious reputation."

Jack Dawkins made Charley's prediction an excellent one.


Oliver Twist/ Chapter 43