Of Mice and Men

What does George’s treatment of Lennie when they were a young show about his character? ( Chapter 3 )

What does George’s treatment of Lennie when they were a young show about his character?

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George and Lennie grew up as neighbors, and George took Lennie as a travel and work companion when Lennie's Aunt Clara died. George says that when he first began traveling with Lennie he found it funny to play pranks on him. One day he ordered Lennie to jump in a river even though he couldn't swim and Lennie unthinkingly obeyed. After George fished him out, Lennie was completely grateful, having forgotten that George had ordered him into the river in the first place. After this episode, George decided against having fun at Lennie's expense. From this, we can see that George has a compassionate nature and feels responsible for Lennie.... almost like as uncle or older brother.


Of Mice and Men