Of Mice and Men

George and Lennie appear to rely on each other for many things. What role does each man play in the partnership? What are the physical and emotional benefits and risks of their friendship? In 300 words, use evidence from the text to answer these questions

George and Lennie appear to rely on each other for many things. What role does each man play in the partnership? What are the physical and emotional benefits and risks of their friendship? In 300 words, use evidence from the text to answer these questions and explain what their relationship says about the nature of friendship.

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This is only a short answer space but I can give you a general comment. George has to look out for Lennie and take care of him.Two grown men who love each other as brothers do. They are very close and also very distant. Lennie and George communicate within a narrow context that can't transcend Lennie's very limited comprehension. Lennie is mentally challenged yet hard working . Although they have a brotherly relationship , Lennie sees George as a paternal role model . He does as George tells him to as far as his mind enables him. In a society that is so desperately lonely, George and Lennie share a bond that is simple yet profound.