Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

Where do we see dramatic irony in this drama, and to what effect? Please add a specific reference.

Dramatic irony is a relationship of contrast between a character's limited understanding of his or her situation in some particular moment of the unfolding action and what the audience, at the same instant, understands the character's situation actually to be. Please add a specific reference.

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One example of dramatic irony comes when the old soothsayer visits the King. Oedipus ridicules the man because he's blind, and Tiresias in a fit of anger tells the king that though he can see he is "blind" to the truth. When Oedipus becomes blind, he finally realizes the truth of the man's words. Irony is also to be found in the fact that it is the blind man who truly sees.


Oedipus Rex