Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

When the Chorus says "But now a wilder thing is heard"

What is the Wilder thing? Who reveals it? How does the chorus deal with it? What does the conclusion reveal about their inner thoughts?

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There are so many wild things in the play, but the wildest is the revelation that Oedipus has, in fact, killed his father and married his mother to fulfill the very fate that both he and his parents were trying to escape. The chorus has to deal with this example of hubris (which brought down Oedipus) as well as dealing with the pity and fear that they feel once they see how "the mighty have fallen." Although much in this play is "wild," the revelation of Oedipus as the murderer takes their breath away.

The wilder thing refers to Tiresias' recent claim, that the killer of Laius is amongst the holy family. His refusal to speak it casts doubt on how close this person might be to Oedipus. The chorus deals with it by considering in their ode how no man can know all of the future, and yet this "wilder thing" was spoke and rankles even though it might be false. It reveals that they are troubled and believe in the power of fate even as they hope their great leader can pull them out through of their plague through human means.