Oedipus Rex or Oedipus the King

What is the Chorus's opinion of the exchange between Oedipus an Tiresias?

In what ways is Oedipus blind, according to Tiresias?

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The Chorus acts as an intermediary between the two men. They try to reason with them and calm their tempers,

To us it seems that both the seer and thou,
O Oedipus, have spoken angry words.
This is no time to wrangle but consult
How best we may fulfill the oracle.

The Chorus accuses both men of replacing logic with heightened irrational emotion. The Chorus seems to be saying that anger makes both men blind: it clouds the truth by placing emotion over logic.Their rhetorical questions act as the conscience of the audience.

But that a mortal seer knows more than I know—where
Hath this been proven? Or how without sign assured, can I blame
Him who saved our State when the winged songstress came,
Tested and tried in the light of us all, like gold assayed?
How can I now assent when a crime is on Oedipus laid?