
What lesson can be drawn from the passage describing Akiba Drumer?

chapter 5

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Akiba Drumer lost his faith when he started to believe that the Nazi evil was greater than the power of God. When he and others began to believe that it was impossible to escape the evil of the concentration camp, they lost their faith, as well as their will to live. Wiesel describes Akiba Drumer: "It was impossible to raise his morale. He didn't listen to what we told him. He could only repeat that all was over for him, that he could no longer keep up the struggle, that he had no strength left, no faith." None-the-less, when Akiba's death drew near, he asked his fellow prisoners to say the Kaddish (the prayer for the dead) for him. From this, we can infer that his faith was tested, but in the end, it remained.

