
Can u write in essay form?


For this question: It can be said that night is a story of father aand is this relaship represented literally and figuratively in the memoir? How can this book literally and metaphorically qualify as a kind of "coming of age" story?

Can you write in essay form?


This is written by :jill d

The Importance of Father-Son Bonds

Eliezer is disgusted with the horrific selfishness he sees around him, especially when it involves the rupture of familial bonds. On three occasions, he mentions sons horribly mistreating fathers: in his brief discussion of the pipel who abused his father; his terrible conclusion about the motives of Rabbi Eliahou’s son; and his narration of the fight for food that he witnesses on the train to Buchenwald, in which a son beats his father to death. All of these moments of cruelty are provoked by the conditions the prisoners are forced to endure. In order to save themselves, these sons sacrifice their fathers.

Traces of the Akedah story (see Silence, above) run through the memoir, particularly in the guilt and sadness that Eliezer feels after his father’s death. Despite the love and care he has shown his father, Eliezer feels that he has somehow sacrificed his father for his own safety. This sacrifice is the inverse of the Akedah, in which a father (Abraham) is willing to sacrifice his son (Isaac). Night’s reversal of this example signifies the way the Holocaust has turned Eliezer’s entire world upside down.

Eliezer’s descriptions of his behavior toward his father seem to invalidate his guilty feelings. He depends on his father for support, and his love for his father allows him to endure. During the long run to Gleiwitz, he says, “My father’s presence was the only thing that stopped me [from allowing myself to die]. . . . I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me? I was his only support.” Their relationship demonstrates that Eliezer’s love and solidarity are stronger forces of survival than his instinct for self-preservation.


This is written by too:jill d

Coming-of-Age, Autobiographical Novel, Jewish Literature

This is not your typical coming-of-age story, which generally deals with a young person’s introduction to independence, love, sex, and possibly death (but usually not their own) and often ends on a positive, forward-looking note. Here, the story is about death and survival. The scene is one of death – concentration camps. Daily life is a struggle to survive – to find basic necessities like food and water, to avoid selection for death in the smokestacks, to avoid getting beaten. Eliezer’s coming-of-age experience is so intense and horrific that he loses his faith in God and is exposed to the worst aspects of humanity. Although the book does end on a positive note because Eliezer is liberated, we are presented with an image of Eliezer as a corpse –an image that never leaves him the rest of his life. Thus, our final image is not positive; our final image is of death. So although this is a coming-of-age story, it is not the kind of story that a person who had the more common transition to adulthood can relate to easily. Eliezer doesn’t gain his adulthood; he loses his childhood.

I know it is too much, but can you please answer this?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Sarah- I think you have enough information to put this into essay form. Outline your main points into at least five paragraphs, use the novel to cite at least two quotes (I'd maybe use the section where Eliezer manages to move his mother and sister into the line with he and his father (although it wasn't successful), and the section where his father gives him the silver utensils (the last of his inheritance), one symbolizes maturity and forethought, and the other his father's trust.

I don't know what the writing standards are in your state, but I'd also expect my students to relate their topic to something they've experienced. Good Luck!