Nibelungenlied Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What does the name Nibelungs means?

    The name appears for the first time in the old Norse legends but then it spreads to other Germanic countries until it becomes a common fixture in the Germanic folklore. Initially, the name was used to denote a specific group but in Germanic mythology, it is most commonly used to make reference to the royal house which ruled over the Burgundy or to any King or ruler in general. In more modern times, the name was associated with the mythological world and is a common proper name given to dwarfs in various legends and stories.

  2. 2

    Why is the poem referred to as being a song?

    The term “song” appears even from the title of the poem, “lied” being a word in German meaning just that. It is highly unlikely the poem was written as a song and as such the term most likely transmits the idea that it is an epic tale. Another reason why this may be called a song might have to do with the way in which poems and stories were told in the time before Christ. Because some nations had yet to develop a writing system and the vast majority of the population was illiterate, with no possibility of learning how to write or read, these stories were transmitted orally through generations. To make help the audience remember them easily, the stories are composed often times as songs, with rhythm and rhyme which makes it instinctual the act of committing them to mind. It is also possible these stories and poems were at one time sung in one way or another, to make them even more appealing to the audience.

  3. 3

    What were some historic events which influenced the writing of the poem?

    It is largely believed the poem was composed around 450 AD, during the time of the infamous Attila the Hun. During that time, Attila was the sole ruler of the Huns, his brother already dead. After signing several treaties with the European forces, the Huns began an invasion of the Balkans , eventually reaching the territory where Italy now is. The Huns eventually reached the Kingdom of Burgundy and terrorized the territory for a few long years. Some of the characters in the poem have a historic counterpart, for example Etzel most likely representing Attila and Gunther being the name also used to refer to the historic king and the king ruling Burgundy in the poem.

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