Never Let Me Go (2010 Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Tommy sees Kathy flipping through a dirty magazine. He knows exactly why she is looking through it, but Ruth doesn't believe he does. What is the reason?

    Tommy sees her in the barn furiously flipping through the pages, and although Ruth proclaims to Kathy that he doesn't know why she was looking he actually does. Tommy reveals it later in the story. He know she was looking for her duplicate, not looking in order to learn how to have sex.

  2. 2

    What does the bird on the kettle represent in relation to Kathy?

    Kathy is seen in the kitchen the morning after having to listen to Ruth and Tommy have sex. The bird flies in and then leaves. The next scene is Kathy leaving the cottage to become a carer. The bird on the kettle symbolizes Kathy being someone that is meant to fly free, but has found herself in a place where she doesn't naturally belong. The bird flying off the kettle into the world symbolizes that she must go as well.

  3. 3

    Though it is not mentioned in the film, how did Ruth, Tommy, and Kathy come into existence?

    Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth are all being used in order to harvest their organs for their duplicate match. Thus implying that the three of them along with all of the children in the movie are clones created through scientific breakthrough in order to increase the lives of the original by giving them their vital organs when they need them.

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