Native Speaker Quotes


“One day Lelia came home from work and said she was burning out. She said she desperately needed time off. She worked as a speech therapist for children, mostly freelancing in the public schools and then part-time as a speech and hearing clinic downtown.”

Henry Park

Lelia’s busy schedule which is characterized by long working hours contributes to her burnout. Taking a break would be helpful for her to relax and release the pressure which is inherent in her job. Continuing with work, in the face of her burnout, would be detrimental to her health. No amount of monetary compensation would eliminate the burnout because it relates to her body.

“ I asked if she had enough money. She said her savings would take care of her. I thought they were our savings, but the notion didn’t seem to matter at the moment. Her answer was also, of course a means of renunciation, itself a denial of everything else I wasn’t offering.”

Henry Park

While at the International Departures, Lelia demonstrates that her resolution to travel is not a attributed to burnout only. She avoids the pronoun ‘our’ to show Henry Park that they are no longer a couple. Deciding to travel is a move which would smooth their separation. Accepting Henry Park’s help would give the impression that she acknowledges him as her husband. Clearly, Lelia has independently resolved to separate from Henry Park.

“ For the first few years she thought I worked for companies with security problems…I let her think that I and my colleagues went to a company and covertly observed a warehouse or laboratory or retail floor, then exposed all the cheats and criminals. But I wasn’t to be found anywhere near corporate or industrial sites, then or ever…I lied to Lelia. For as long as I could I lied.”

Henry Park

Henry Park’s blatant confession affirms that their matrimony was founded on lies. He strives to give a better impression to Lelia, but it is not sustainable in the long term for she decides to leave him. Deception is not a guarantee to a blissful matrimony, because sooner or later, the deceived party realizes all the deceptions.

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