Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Give evidence on why Douglass likely worked so hard to learn to read and write.


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When Douglass first went to live with Mr. and Mrs. Auld, she decided to try and teach him his ABCs. As soon as her husband found out he forbade her to continue the instruction. He explained that if a slave was taught to read, it would spoil him and make him unfit to be a slave. He would become unmanageable and freethinking as well as discontented and morose.

When Douglass heard this he was astounded; "it was a new and special revelation, explaining dark and mysterious things, with which my youthful understanding had struggled, but struggled in vain." The pathway from slavery to freedom was now illuminated. Even though Douglass was sad to lose his instruction from his mistress, he was grateful to have the reality of the power of learning made clear to him.

Douglass decided that he would pursue reading and learning on his own. His master's assurance on the danger of a slave learning their letters cemented in his mind how important this was. The "evil" Mr. Auld identified was to be sought after with all diligence.

