Naked Lunch

Naked Lunch Analysis

The novel ‘Naked Truth’ is based on William S. Burroughs’ experiences as a drug aficionado. The central character and narrator is William Lee, a drug addict, and dealer. Burroughs used Lee to reflect on his life when he used to struggle with drug addiction.

The novel opens with Lee running away from the police in NY City. Lee successfully evades the police and takes refuge in a subway for some time before taking his next course of action. Lee's friends are also in trouble because the police are pursuing them. While in town, Lee reflects on his addiction, his circle of friends, and the town residents and concludes that he is better than anyone else. Drug addiction and influence make Lee think that he controls the world and he lives in a fictionalized world where he sees things differently. Remembering that the police are still pursuing him in New York, Lee decides to move to a different town.

On his way to Texas to such for drugs and new dealers, Jane and his fellow addicts accompany Lee. However, the police suspect one of the Junkies called Rube, and they are arrested briefly for questioning before they are taken to prison. While in Prison, Lee decides to kill Rube by poisoning him. After release from prison, Lee and his group travel to New Orleans, where they purchase heroin. Later, they travel to Texas, where Lee keeps on thinking about his life, addiction, and the possibility of withdrawal.

Since Lee is the novel's narrator, he describes his world from various fictionalized locations. For instance, in Anoxia, Lee talks of a country that strictly observes Bureaucracy, and any person who goes against the government, is severely punished. The other fictional world described by Lee is Freeland, where people are free to do whatever they want. Similarly, Lee tells the story of Interzone, a place where all evils are done openly. For instance, having sex with children is not a crime, and people trade sex like any other business.

The novel points out the evils in the society and the negative impacts of drug addiction. For instance, drug addiction is the main cause of homosexuality, crime, and violence. The author reflects on his early days as a drug addict and makes how he reformed.

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