My Children! My Africa!

Describe one significant episode and why you say it's significant

Two challenges which were encountered by the protagonist and how he overcame them

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Mr. M's view is that apartheid, and prejudice in general, must be dealt with through non-violent methods, especially through education and attempting to reform the system from within. Thami and the Comrades' view, in contrast, is that the system must be violently overthrown, using materials like stones and petrol bombs as necessary. Mr. M fears that Thami's life will be wasted if he turns away from his education to join in the violence, and his fears come true when Thami joins the boycott, participates in the burning of his school and the death of his teacher, and then flees the country to join the revolution movement.

"If the struggle needs weapons, give it words, Thami. Stones and petrol bombs can't get inside those armored cars. Words can."

p.64, Mr. M