My Antonia

Speculate on the the nature of Lena's relationship with Ole Benson?

Book 2 Chapter 4

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As a country girl, Lena was wild and extremely pretty, yet gentle and feminine. An unlucky man named Ole Benson, who was married to Crazy Mary, became enamored of her and used to sit in the fields all day watching her plow in her rags. After being urged to go to church, Lena finally appears one day, looking grown up and very beautiful. After the service, Crazy Mary screams at her threateningly in front of everyone. Crazy Mary continued to harass her by chasing her around in the fields with a knife, and one day Lena tried to escape by hiding out at the Shimerdas. Afterwards, Mrs. Shimerda scolded her, but Lena mildly said that it wasn't her fault and that she couldn't stop Ole Benson from sitting where he wanted to. I think Lena flirted with him but really that's just speculation.