Must We Mean What We Say? Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Stanley Cavell defending the ideas of his teacher J.L. Austin?

    The primary reason why the author is writing this book is to scrutinize philosophy and put the records straight. The mystery of language is at the center stage of Cavell's analysis. Mr. Austin's ideas about language received mixed reactions from historians and other philosophical analysts. The author is satisfied that his teacher was right about the philosophy of language. Cavell criticizes Poole's scrutiny of Wittgenstein because he considers it reckless and distasteful.

  2. 2

    How does the author use art as an allegory in his book ‘Must We Mean What we say’?

    According to the author, art is a powerful tool that brings people together. Similarly, the same skill has the power and ability to separate people and make them view each other as enemies. Art cannot be felt without touching. After a critical analysis by the reader, it is evident that art is allegorically used to represent reality in life. Like the philosophy of language, art can positively or negatively impact how it is perceived or used in society.

  3. 3

    What is the satire of dialect and connotation in this book?

    The author is doing everything possible to convey the satirical nature of dialect. Most people try to share dialect with connotation, but they end up getting it wrong. According to the author, the words used in language do not convey the intended meaning. The author argues that sense is conveyed based on the recital of speech. Therefore, dialect and connotation are ironic in their understanding.

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