Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Why does Mr.Smith have so much respect for Senator Paine ?

Why does Mr.Smith have so much respect for Senator Paine ?

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Senator Paine takes Jefferson Smith under his wing, and acts as if he wants to help him, even though he secretly hopes for his failure. He works under Taylor, a bullying brutish hood who controls the political system in his state. Paine is beloved in his state, in part because Taylor helps to amplify Paine's image in the press. Paine also knew Smith's father, and admired his idealism, a trait his son shares. Throughout, he is haunted by the memory of Smith's father and his lasting belief that "Lost causes are the only causes worth fighting for." Paine has sold out and compromised his ideals in order to have a career in Washington, but he eventually cannot take the pressure of that corruption anymore, and chooses to reveal the truth to help Jefferson Smith's cause.