Moon Tiger Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Moon Tiger Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Letter C

When Tom's sister Jennifer reads Claudia's article about her experiences in Egypt in the war, she realizes that Claudia was the woman Tom had written home about from the front; there was a woman with whom he was in love, and he called her "C". In his letters, and in the minds of his family the letter "C" symbolized Claudia, the love of his life.

Tom's Diary Symbol

Tom's diary is a symbol of the love that he and Claudia shared, It is also the thing that ultimately helps her to grieve for him which she never managed to do. When she reads what he has written about her and about how much he loved her, it symbolizes the close bond that they had and the passion that they experienced together.

Egypt Symbol

When Claudia goes back to Egypt, despite the fact that it has changed a great deal, the energy of the place symbolizes Tom for her. She is immediately thrown back to the time when they were together and finds that her love for him is still as strong. Egypt symbolizes Tom for Claudia.

Egypt Motif

Egypt is a constant motif both in the novel and in Claudia's life. It is the first place she goes "on assignment" as an intrepid and bold woman on her own. It is the place where she meets the love of her life, Tom Southern, whom she never gets over. It also re-appears when she goes back again to Egypt towards the end of her life Egypt is the motif for the highlights in her life and the moments that meant the most to Claudia.

Loss Caused By War

One of the motifs in the book is the losses caused by war. Claudia also has this as one of the motifs in her life. Her first memory involves her father, who was killed in World War One. Just as the love of her mother's life was lost in a world war, so was Claudia's; Tom is killed at the Battle of El Alamein in Egypt, trying to defend the British stronghold from attack by General Rommel. The key losses in her life are caused by war.

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