Montana 1948

3. How would you characterize Wesley's opinions about the Indian characters, in the novel, such as Ollie Young Bear and Marie Little Soldier? Do you think that his prejudice complicates his role as sheriff?

include at least one quote showing Wesley's opinions

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Wesley is described by his son as being a mellow man, someone who does not take risks and who doesn’t stand out from the crowd. Because of this, David is not so proud of him. Wesley also has prejudiced ideas against Native Americans and does not shy away from treating them as inferior to him. However, this doesn’t stop him from pursuing justice when he finds about everything his brother had done and he decides to incarcerate him and have him prosecuted even though he knew that he would be ruining his relationship with his family and that his brother will most likely never go to jail. After Frank killed himself, Wesley decided to move away from his family and to start a new life in another city.