
Misha and Janina see men working on the trains. How do the people in the ghetto react to being taken away by trains? Use evidence to explain your answer .


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Janina believes the deportation trains will take her family to a better place. They both believe that the trains (deportation) are meant for resettlement of the Jews, but through Uri, Misha learns to be frightened, he learns their true purpose.

Olek looked down at his right shoulder. For a moment he seemed surprised to find the arm was gone. He frowned. “Train,” he said at last.
Janina reached out. “Don’t be sad. This one is good.”

Janina pulled on her father’s sleeve. “I want to go away on the train, Tata.”

“Uri says the trains are coming to take us away. He says we have to run.”

“Where will they go?” she said, never taking her eyes from the trains. “Where will they take us?”
“You don’t want to know,” I said.
“Do you know?”
“Yes,” I lied. “But I’m not telling you.”

