
Janina in Milkweed Book By Jerry Spinelli

In what ways does Janina’s personality change? What do you think has caused these changes?

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Janina is a girl Misha meets when he steals from Warsaw's house and becomes best friends with her. They steal together and when they are put in the ghetto, Janina becomes Misha's shadow and they go together through the two brick gap in the wall to steal food outside the ghetto.

When the deportations start, Janina's father tells Misha to take Janina and run. Unable to leave her father alone, Janina goes back to the ghetto and unfortunately gets on the train. Misha survives but stays for a long time following the tracks to get to Janina. Janina is a moody girl and a competitive one; she always wanted to prove that she was better than Misha.