A Midsummer Night's Dream

what is the significance of the settings of the play? what are the major characteristics of each setting the Duke's palace,Quince's cottage,and the fairy-enchanted woods?

what is the significance of the settings of the play? what are the major characteristics of each setting the Duke's palace,Quince's cottage,and the fairy-enchanted woods?

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Last updated by Neelam T #1253604
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This is only a shoert answer space but I can give you a general response. While the play is technically set in Athens, Greece, the majority of the action occurs in the woods surrounding the city. This natural landscape symbolizes retreat and unreality, as it becomes associated with the fairy world rather than the human realm characterized by governance and predictability. Thus, from the beginning of the play, Shakespeare dispels with logic and realistic plot points in order to craft a dream-like and surreal experience for the characters and audience alike.

What is the significance of the settings of the play? What are the major characteristics of each settings the Duke's palace,Quince's cottage and the Fairy-enchanted woods? What significance do forests have in other literary works you are familiar with? What about urban settings? What rules and values apply in different settings?