Merchant of Venice

Why will Shylock not dine with Bassanio?

Why will Shylock not dine with Bassanio?

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Last updated by Mayukh R #1072176
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Shylock refused to dine with Bassanio because Jews and Christians do not dine together.


Merchant of Venice

Q.why does shylock not dine with bassanio?

A.Shylock is a jewish money lender .jews do not eat pork .bassanio is a christian.but that is not the only reason for not dining with bassanio.the main reason is antonio.[forgive my puntuations].antonio is also a christian money lender .at merchant meeting ,antonio mocks shylock .he insults him for taking usury i.e interest .antonio does not take interest as a result people started to go to him for loans.this caused shylocks business to decline .the bond was a way to take revenge from antonio for all the insults that he gave to shylock.and Antonio was a good friend of bssanio so that is the reason shylock did not want to dine with bassanio.


my mind

Shylock refuses to eat and drink with the Christians because of his religious beliefs. Jewish people have some strict rules about food they should eat. The Christians would probably serve food and drink that Shylock's religion would prevent him from touching.

