Merchant of Venice

Shylock – Victim or Villain?

Review what you have learned about Shylock’s character. Do you think he is a victim or a villain? Find evidence to support your views.

Shylock is a victim:

Shylock is a villain:

My overall view of Shylock is . . .

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Shylock is difficult to put a label on. He certainly is a round character. His pain, pride, anguish, jealousy all becomes apparent. Although on the surface he is a greedy antagonist, Shylock proves to be much more complicated than that. In the end Shakespeare leaves us wondering if it is the Christian who wields the ultimate in cruelty (they force him to convert to Christianity just for kicks) or Shylock with his whole pound of flesh thing. Shylock is already stereotyped as a stingy and cruel Jew. Taking a pound of flesh would only intensify the anti-Semitism that Christians feel towards Jews. At the same time, there is pathos to be found in his character. Shakespeare walks a fine line between indictment of Shylock and sympathy for his loss.