Merchant of Venice

Based on Act 1 scene 1 of the drama, Merchant of Venice, discuss the relationship between Antonio and Bassanio. What does their friendship reveal about their characters? words.

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Bassanio and Antonio are close friends. So how close are they? It would seem that Antonio is willing to do pretty much anything for Bassanio.

Antonio: I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it;
And if it stand, as you yourself still do,
Within the eye of honor, be assured
My purse, my person, my extremest means
Lie all unlocked to your occasions.

Many critics feel that the part of older Antonio's melancholy has to do with his homoerotic attraction to Bassanio and the finding out of Bassanio's wish to court Portia. In any case, Antonio is willing to not only risk his fortune for Bassanio but his own flesh as well.