Merchant of Venice

1. What were the traps Portia had against Shylock? 2. What did Portia say about mercy to Shylock in the court?

Basically, these two questions were given by our Sir at our school, and I'm unable to figure out the correct composition for the answers. I was hoping if anyone could solve it for me. :)

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HEYA friend

your answer to the 1st question

the traps against shylock was that he could only take a pound of flesh from antonio's body and not blood. So if he sheds a "drop of Cristian blood" then all his goods will be confiscated. Also the flesh should way exact 1 pound not even a little more or less or else his goods will be confiscated and his life will be taken.

I only knew the 1st question's anwer. Sorry for that. Hope it helps
