Martin Dressler: The Tale of an American Dreamer Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is the novel ‘Tale of an American The Dreamer' arguing against the American Dream's validity?

    The author is apparent, and he vividly illustrates how Martin kept his hopes alive by climbing the corporate ladder in America. However, Martin is not satisfied with his achievements because he firmly believes that he needs more in life. In contrast, the reader notes that America is the land of opportunities. The American dream is a reality because each individual, including Martin Dressler, has equal chances of success. Martin rises from the position of bell boy to assistant manager in the same organization. Consequently, America does not deny hardworking individuals an opportunity to excel in their dreams. Unfortunately, Martin is unsatisfied not because there is a lack of options but because he thinks he deserves more.

  2. 2

    What is the satire of Martin’s serenity in this novel?

    Throughout the novel, the depicts Martin as a dissatisfied man because he is looking for happiness elsewhere but not on the things surrounding him. Martin successfully pursues his American dream because he can find better opportunities and climb up the ladder. However, Martin keeps on changing jobs in search of happiness. The novel ends without depicting Martin's satisfaction. The author wants to point out that happiness is an inner sense of pride in what we have. Martin forgets to appreciate his success because he is looking at people who are better than him. Therefore, one needs to enjoy the experiences, joy, and beauty around him.

  3. 3

    Why did Martin refuse the assistant manager position at the hotel where he was working?

    According to Martin, the American dream means power. Martin's future was bright at the hotel, where he was offered an assistant manager position. Martin refused the role because he thought that he deserved the top managerial place to be in charge of everything and all the systems available. Martin's longing is to lead an organization, and he successfully acquires an executive position in the chain of restaurants but still quits because he feels that he needs more power. Consequently, Martin is looking for power because that is his definition of the American dream.

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