Marriage (Poem)

Marriage (Poem) Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • Leavell, Linda. ""Frightening Disinterestedness": The Personal Circumstances of Marianne Moore's "Marriage"" Journal of Modern Literature 31, no. 1 (2007): 64-79.

  • Bergman, David. "Marianne Moore and the Problem of "Marriage"" American Literature 60, no. 2 (1988): 241-54.

  • MARTIN, Taffy. "Marianne Moore: The Raw Material of Poetry." Revue Française D'études Américaines, no. 32 (1987): 197-204.

  • "On "Marriage"." University of Illinois. 2/1/17. <>.
  • Martin Taffy. "The Negativity in "Marriage"." Marianne Moore, Bloom's Major Poets. 2/1/17. <>.
  • Miller, Christine. "Moore's Critique of Human Selfishness and Compromise." Marianne Moore, Bloom's Major Poets. 2/1/17. <>.
  • Philips, Elizabeth. "Moore's Use of Collage as a Vehicle for Humor." Marianne Moore, Bloom's Major Poets. 2/117. <>.
  • Bloom, Harold. ""Marriage"." Marianne Moore, Bloom's Major Poets. 2/1/17. <>.
  • Flreis, Al. "Imagism." 2/8/17. <>.
  • Materer, Timothy. "On Lowell, Pound, and Imagism." University of Illinois. 2/8/17. <>.