Man With a Movie Camera Irony

Man With a Movie Camera Irony

No Sound

The film is completely silent. We don't hear anything at all, ironically, until the film is put on the reel and begins to play at the cinema.

No Actors

We watch and see children asleep on the streets. Ironically, these are not actors but real people. The imagery pierces us with the reality of life in Russia.


We see machines in a factory during the opening of the film. Ironically, though they have great power to produce, they only come to life when they are given the go ahead from the people who must run them.


We see the cameraman filming in the streets for material to be put into the film. Ironically, in order for us to see him doing this we realize that he himself is being followed by a camera. Thus, everything is captured, including him.

Stop Motion

The film comes to stillness as we see photographs for several frames. Life is still. Ironically, this is done in order to show the viewer how editing works, by putting several still photos together in a row and moving them.

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