
Why was Macbeth saying those words in ACT 2 SCENE 3?

Th' expedition of my violent love

Outrun the pauser, reason. Here lay Duncan,

His silver skin lac'd with his golden blood,

And his gash'd stabs look'd like a breach in nature

For ruin's wasteful entrance; there, the murtherers,

Seep'd in the colors of their trade, their daggers

Unmannerly breech'd with gore. Who could refrain,

That had a heart to love, and in that heart

Courage to make 's love known?


Macbeth has to act this way in order to safe him from the suspicious of other people.

i know that he was just acting, but can you please explain why is he doing this? and please explain it!!!! please help!!! Thanks!

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Well, maybe it would help if I put it into it's english translation:

The violent rage inspired by my love for Duncan, his white skin all splattered with his precious blood. The gashes where the knives had cut him looked like wounds to nature itself. Then right next to him I saw the murderers, dripping with blood, their daggers rudely covered in gore. Who could have restrained himself, who loved Duncan and had the courage to act on it?

Now, Macbeth has just basically said that he really loved Duncan, and because of his great love for him, took the liberty of killing his so called "murderers". But really all he has done is eliminated two more threats to him gaining the throne of Scotland.

I hope that helps!