

Explain whether Macduff’s decision to flee Scotland and go to England should be viewed as an act of supreme patriotism or given the killing spree Macbeth has unleashed an act of misguided loyalty.

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I'm inclined to look upon Macduff as a patriotic figure. Shakespeare points this out when Malcolm tests Macduff to see how loyal Macduff actually is. Macduff seems to be fine with the raping of maidens, the hoarding of money, and a few mass killings if a King wants to. He, however, is not fine with plunging Scotland into Hell, 

Fit to govern?
No, not to live.—O nation miserable,
With an untitled tyrant bloody-sceptered,
When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again,
Since that the truest issue of thy throne
By his own interdiction stands accursed,
And does blaspheme his breed?—


Obviously Macduff has his limits when it comes to a King's freedom. A King can do pretty much as he wishes but he can't destroy Scotland. Macduff is loyal to the King but a patriot to Scotland. Macduff obviously felt Macbeth was destroying Scotland.