
Act 1 Scene 2: The captain uses comparisons/similes/metaphors to describe the battle.

Act 1 Scene 2: The captain uses comparisons/similes/metaphors to describe the battle. Choose any 2 and explain them in your own words.

I don't get this question- its requesting for so many things! Anyone please help me answer or explain this question to me!

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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"Doubtful it stood,

As two spent swimmers that do cling together

And choke their art."

Simile- The condition of the armies is being compared to the exhaustion of swimmers who cannot go on.

Fortune is given to be Lady Luck- Lady Luck is compared to a whore.

"And fortune, on his damnèd quarrel smiling,

Showed like a rebel’s whore. But all’s too weak..."

